is there even such thing? yes it does.for me it is ok to shop and go crazy for my daughter but not for myself. i think all mother are the same where we end up buying things for our kids instead of ourselves once we have them?
true right?
i rather buy aleena t shirt that cost me up to rm100 then buy myself a work attire perhaps? gila.
but it is fun buying them stuff. toys and such.
i like my baby aleena to look pretty all the time.
so she dont have any outing attire as she wore everything everyday. so she is always on the go if we want to go out impromptu she is always ready. hahahahah cheating.
i need to cut back on my shopping but she grows up so fast.
time do fly fast when you are enjoying it. aleena is turning 1 soon. she is amazing masya allah. thank you allah for giving me aleena as my baby girl.
she started to flip when she is 2-3 months old. crawl and sit at 6 months. walk at 10 months. she bring so much joy to us. me as a mother i can describe how attached i am to her. everyday all the time all i think of is aleena.
she still hates to eat. she still drink her mama milks. been feeding her everything. she talks a lot nowadays. following whatever sound we made. she is a cheerful kids. active. moves all the time. barely see her sit down for more than a minute.
her favourite things to do is watch disney channel. her most fave shows is agent oso.pororo.pocoyo.mickey mouse clubhouse.
she knows how to cry to get her way. haha.
her birthday partay need to be postponed as my dad is having surgeries next week and i dont feel like partaying due to that. so yeah my baby grown up already